Coaching Programs

Using science-based, proven coaching curriculums with powerful strategies and daily practices for improving performance in your focus area, these six to 12-week programs will help you develop the skills and practices necessary for long-term success.

  • Practice Growth Quick Start 

    Learn why you're at your current level of success and gain the clarity, insight and strategies needed to create a roadmap for success to reach your short- and long-term goals. Participants will learn strategies and tools to  effectively network, how to craft a compelling messaging for marketing meetings, and the mindset strategies that will help you become more effective at building your referral base.

  • Practice Growth Accelerator Master Class

    Participants will deep dive into the strategies included in the quick start program and also learn how to

    • Create strategic partnerships with individuals and organizations who can help further your growth efforts
    • Communicate effectively to build the trust, rapport and influence necessary to accelerate growth, enhance professional relationships, and improve patient compliance
    • Prioritize growth strategies to achieve the greatest potential ROI
    • Master the growth mindset that will set you up for success
    • Increase your energy and develop the habits necessary to achieve long-term success without hitting burnout 
    • How to sustain long-term success while maintaining your wellbeing and relationships along the way
    • And much more!


    Each participant will also have a one-on-one strategy session to review the messages you craft for marketing, improving patient compliance, or focus area of your choice.


    Individuals who participate a group accelerator program will receive two one-on-one sessions to discuss individual goals and specific action plans to achieve these goals.

  • High Performance Program 

    Twelve 60-minute sessions that follow a science-backed, success proven curriculum to help you gain clarity, boost energy, and develop the psychology and habits that will allow you to reach your highest level of productivity and performance.



    • ($20 value) Leather Bound High Performance Planner
    • (997 value) High performance habits tool kit with templates, trackers, spreadsheets, and planners to keep you on track.
    • ($194 value) 2 High Performance Indicator Assessments
    • ($997 value) Unlimited email support throughout the duration of the program


    The strategies and techniques in this curriculum have been proven to help people increase productivity up to 30%. 


    What would a 30% increase in productivity mean for you?

  • Courageous Communication

    What you say is not always what is communicated or understood. We've all seen breakdowns in communication that lead to less than ideal outcomes. This program will help you avoid potential pitfalls by learning how people think, what really causes communication breakdowns and how to communicate in a way that builds trust, enhances professional relationships, elevates patient compliance, and helps you effectively navigate any difficult conversation to achieve your desired outcome. 

  • Customized Coaching Packages

    Bronze package (12 sessions)

    • 12 60-min sessions
    • Strengths assessment  

    Silver Package (24 sessions)

    • Strengths assessment
    • 3 Goal assessments

    Gold Package (48 sessions)

    • Strengths assessment
    • 6 Goal assessments


    • 4 sessions to supplement and continue your progress


    All packages include

    • Unlimited email support between sessions
    • Google doc or email summaries of sessions with action items

Achieve Your Objectives Through Individual or Group Coaching 


Individual Coaching

Using a personalized project-based approach, you are provided the tools, techniques and support to help you create the meaningful change needed to achieve your personal and professional goals.


Whether you want to prevent burnout, avoid a corrective action plan, enhance leadership skills, improve productivity, communication, balance, or your relationships, one-on-one coaching can help you achieve success.


Group Coaching

If you are part of a small or large group that wants to break through barriers, exceed goals, learn to work cohesively and unlock their full potential as a team, or if you are an individual who wants to connect with a group of people with similar goals and values who will cheer on your breakthroughs and progress, group coaching can help you reach your highest level of succes!


Group coaching can be completely individualized based on your team’s unique challenges, goals and objectives.



Find Out if Coaching is Right for You

Thriving in modern healthcare requires more than technical skills and training. You’ve invested years in your technical training and perfecting your skills in assessing, diagnosing and treating your patient, and now you may be looking to step into leadership, grow your practice, or maybe you’ve lost the passion you once had for practicing medicine and want to start enjoying life again.


Schedule a 30-minute complimentary, no obligation consultation to learn how individual or group coaching can help you reach new levels in the areas most important to you. 




You're Not Stuck! 

"You're just committed to certain patterns of behavior because they helped you in the past. Now those behaviors have become more harmful than helpful. The reason why you can't move forward is because you keep applying an old formula to a new level in your life.

Change the formula to get a different result."

~ Emily Maroutian

What Physician Coaching

Can Do For You

Did you know?

Happy, fulfilled and energetic physicians are up to

31% more productive 

19% faster and more accurate at determining a correct diagnosis

37% better at growing their business


There are tools, techniques and strategies available to help you become happier, more fulfilled and to see these results in your own life. 

Coaching helps you

  • Improve all areas of your life
  • Understand yourself, others and how to create better relationships
  • Effectively communicate to build trust and influence



  • Reduce burnout
  • Increase energy
  • Reduce stress, anger and frustration
  • Achieve happiness, fulfillment and long-term success while maintaining your wellbeing

Physician Coaching Helps You Achieve Your Personal and Professional Goals Through

Gaining Clarity 



Coaching helps you clarify your vision, goals and the actionable strategies and techniques that are needed to achieve those goals. Coaching will also help you understand why you do what you do, what holds you back, and what shifts to make to reach success in all areas of your life.


Accountability and Strategic Feedback 


You know the difference between the days you are operating at your highest level and the days you aren't. As your coach, LynAnn has your best interest in mind and can help you discover where you're limiting yourself and how to consistently be your best.


Challenging You 



You'll never reach that next level without challenging limited thinking, they way you interact with people, or what distractions you allow to hold you back. Coaching will challenge to rise to your highest level of productivity, fulfillment, happiness, and success.


What My Clients Say

After working with LynAnn on my marketing message and approach to networking, I no longer feel like that sleazy sales guy. I have more confidence and have grown my elective volume.

Spine Surgeon


LynAnn has been truly life changing! She has impacted my daily professional and personal life by identifying prior habits that were counterproductive and teaching me tools to not only ensure I have productive habits, but also helping me identify the root cause of my prior habits. After every meeting with her I feel a surge of energy and positivity that I didn’t know I had.

Physician Assistant


LynAnn has helped me achieve several of my professional goals. Since working with her, I've restored positions I once held, repaired relationships I had hurt, and have learned how to effectively manage stress.


Lone Tree

Get in Touch

Unsure if coaching is right for you?

Schedule a 30-minute complimentary, no obligation consultation to determine if my services are the right fit for you. If so, we will partner to create a personalized plan to help you achieve your goals and develop a more fulfilling life.


Copyright © 2021 LynAnn Weaver Coaching All rights reserved.